Lunch Seminars
During the lunch breaks on Tuesday and Wednesday NOK2024 partner companies are hosting Lunch Symposia combining the congress buffet lunch and an opportunity to learn about the latest advancements and innovations in various topics. Spaces are limited to 40 per symposium, so be sure to arrive on time to secure your spot! The programmes for each symposium are shown below including the topics and speakers that will be featured at each session.

TUESDAY 6 AUGUST at 12-12:45
Innovative solutions to respond the growing demand for retinal care capacity constraints in neovascular age-related macular degeneration
Chairman: Dr Yousif Subhi, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark
Panel members:
Dr Morten C Moe, Oslo University Hospital Ullevål, Norway
Dr Hannele Uusitalo-Järvinen, Tampere University Hospital, Finland

TUESDAY 6 AUGUST at 12-12:45
Title: Clinical data on a new glaucoma product
Speaker: Prof Kai Kaarniranta, University of Eastern Finland and Kuopio University Hospital
Title: Roclanda clinical experience
Speaker: Dr Nina Lindbohm, University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Hospital, department of ophthalmology
Moderator: Mika Harju, University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Hospital, department of ophthalmology

TUESDAY 6 AUGUST at 12-12:45
Rare Cases and Major Advances: How is Acanthamoeba Keratitis Managed Today and Tomorrow?
Moderator: Professor Jesper Hjortdal, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark
Speaker: Professor John KG Dart, Moorfield Eye Hospital, UK
Introduction – Prof. Hjortdal
Scientific presentation of treatment options – Prof. Dart
Discussion on disease management – Prof. Hjortdal, Prof John Dart

WEDNESDAY 7 AUGUST at 12-12:45
Unravelling Ocular Surface Challenges in Modern Living
Chairman Professor Kai Kaarniranta, MD, PhD, MSc, Professor of Ophthalmology, and Chief Physician at the University of Eastern Finland (UEF) and Kuopio University Hospital
Topic: Dry Eye Disease Impact on Lifestyle
Professor Steven Heegaard, MD, Doctor of Medicine, Research Director and Professor in Ophthalmic Pathology and Ophthalmology at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Topic: Dry eye disease – myths and facts
Professor Tor Paaske Utheim, MD, PhD, a consultant at the Department of Ophthalmology at five hospitals in Norway, where he is also Director of Research and/or Innovation, besides 11 professorships at 7 universities.
Topic: Lifestyle Perspectives: Dry Eye in the Young
Doctor Fredrik Fineide, Doctor at The Norwegian Dry Eye Clinic and has published a number of international scientific articles and abstracts in the fi eld of diagnostics and treatment of dry eyes.
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WEDNESDAY 7 AUGUST at 12:00-12:45
Steroids in the treatment of corneal infections
Minna Vesaluoma worked for several years as a researcher at Helsinki University Hospital Eye Clinic and after her specialization for more than 10 years in London at Moorfields Eye Hospital as an ophthalmologist at the cornea clinic. Currently, she works as a multi-department physician at Helsinki University Hospital Eye Clinic and treats especially corneal infections, various inflammatory diseases of the eye surface and problems such as allergies and dry eye, also related to general diseases.

WEDNESDAY 7 AUGUST at 12:00-12:45
Improving Outcomes for Patients with Retinal Diseases
Opening words: Morten C. Moe, Chair Head of Department, Professor Oslo University Hospital and University of Oslo, Norway
nAMD and DME – a challenge for healthcare and a patient: Hannu Uusitalo, Research Director, Professor Emeritus in Ophthalmology Tampere University, Finland
Remote lecture, patient cases: John W. Kitchens, MDRetina Associates of Kentucky in Lexington, Kentucky, US


